Tony Chung
NYC-Based Model And Photographer

Five Chemical-Free Tricks I Use For Clearer Skin

Just like managing your finances or maintaining a regular exercise routine, sustaining a modeling career requires maintenance regimens. One of these is keeping your skin healthy and clear. That means maintaining a slim face, tight-looking skin, and no pimples. Clients are constantly asking for digitals/polaroids (which I explain here), so making sure you’re on your A skin game is a big deal. Like many, I had trouble with acne beginning in my adolescent years. And as us acne sufferers know, it’s something that stays with you for a lifetime. Ugh! Luckily there are some things you can do to minimize breakouts and maintain a youthful visage.

Now I’m definitely no expert and certainly not an aesthetician. These are just five tricks I’ve picked up through the years that work well for me:

  1. Slap and massage your face (gently). This is great for improving blood flow in the face, which in turn can result in tighter skin and a sharper jawline. I usually do it after washing my face in the morning. I gently slap my cheeks and forehead a handful of times and use my knuckles to massage my jawline. Skeptical? Here’s a Marie Claire article about the slapping regimen.
  2. Eliminate alcohol and reduce sugar intake. I’ve noticed that when I cut out alcohol for a few weeks, I have much less breakouts and my skin generally maintains a significantly clearer state. I’m a total sucker for sweets like sour gummies and boba. Similar to the effects of cutting alcohol, when I reduce my intake of sweets, my skin generally looks better (usually takes a week or two to see results). Not sure if coffee is also a factor (and again, results may vary depending on your genes), but I’ve noticed that when I eliminate coffee, my skin seems to improve as well. However, this may be more of an acidity and stomach thing for me personally.
  3. Decrease how often you wash your face. Sounds unorthodox, right? It’s worked quite well for me. I chanced upon an article/video a few years ago by makeup artist and skin guru Michelle Phan. She mentioned the positive effects of eliminating your morning face wash, so I gave it a shot. The decrease in pimples was substantial. I believe the logic is that your skin generates natural oil overnight and washing your face in the morning ends up removing the natural hydration, in turn drying out your face. And from what I understand, dry skin is usually a breeding ground for pimples. A simple toner (I use this Vegan Tea Tree toner from The Body Shop) and perhaps some lotion is a good substitute for a face wash. Still not sold? Read this interview with actress Salma Hayek about her refusal to wash her face in them morning.
  4. Facemasks with minimal chemicals. Okay I realize the title says “chemical-free” and there may be a chemical or two involved here. But hydration is a great way of keeping your skin looking young. Think about how your hands look in the thick of winter when deprived of lotion. Or about a plant that hasn’t been watered for a month. Okay that may be a stretch. But the point is your face will look better with proper hydration. I usually use Korean facemasks and apply them about once a week. I tend to try and use the most basic masks i.e. no scent or excess chemicals, basically no additional ingredients besides maybe collagen. I’ve been using this facemask for the last 4-5 years (no excess chemicals, straightforward, and very hydrating).
  5. Breathing exercises and decrease stress. I usually notice a few new pimples arise after any stress episode. Decreasing stress itself can be difficult, so one way I’ve learned that helps with resolving stress is breathing exercises. One particular routine I employ is to inhale for six seconds through the nose, hold your breath for two seconds, exhale heavily through your mouth for six seconds, hold again for two seconds, repeat the cycle. After a few cycles, you should notice your heart rate reduced and a lighter state of mind.

If you’re looking to improve your skin without feeding it a ton of chemicals, I hope this article helps. Heck, if only one of these tricks ends up helping you, I’d be delighted!

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